Excellence at the Service of Your Peace of Mind

Your trusted legal partner in crypto asset law, financial services, anti-money laundering and counter-terrorism financing, and payment services.

With over 25 years of experience, including 10 years at the French Financial Markets Authority (AMF),ARAO AVOCAT has an in-depth understanding of supervisory expectations. This unique expertise allows the firmto anticipate regulatory requirements and prepare meticulous and compliant files,ensuring smooth and efficient processing.By choosing ARAO AVOCAT, you benefit from personalized support,proven regulatory expertise, and, most importantly, the peace of mind that your matters are in the hands of a committed and experienced professional.

Legal expertise for peace of mind

Expertise: Crypto Asset Law and Financial Services

Investment Service Providers (ISPs)

Crypto Asset Service Providers (CASPs/VASPs)

Crypto Asset Issuers (ICO/MICA)

Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorism

Payment Services (PSPs/E-MoneyInstitutions/Agents)

Financial Investment Advisors (FIAs)

Intermediaries in Miscellaneous Goods (IMGs)

Crowdfunding (CISPs)

AMF controls

Regulated or Non-Regulated Activities?

By engaging ARAO AVOCAT, transform regulatory complexity into an opportunity to accelerate your ambitions.

Your legal counsel

Le Cabinet ARAO AVOCAT se distingue par une expertise éprouvée dans l’accompagnement des demandes d’agréments auprès de l’AMF et de l’ACPR. The firm’s mastery of complex legal environments ensures tailored support, aligned with the specific needsand business models of each client. Working closely with its partners,ARAO AVOCAT prioritizes anticipating potential challenges and preparing robust files for smooth and efficient processing. par les autorités compétentes. Grâce à son expertise approfondie des processus d’agrément et à la relation de confiance qu’il entretient avec ses clients, le Cabinet facilite les démarches tout en maximisant les résultatsWith a proactive approach, proactivetransparent communication, transparente and a commitment to excellence,ARAO AVOCAT provides clients with the peace of mind to focus on their strategic priorities while strengthening their position as responsible and compliant players in the financial sector.
Anne RAOUL TARDIEU est une avocate en droit financier, avec une expérience de 10 ans au sein de l'AMF et notamment dans le service dédié aux PSAN



Crypto Asset Services by a Financial Investment Advisor (CIF): Is It Possible Without Being a PSAN?

Are PSANs allowed to advertise in France?

New regime for PSANs: What you need to know right now.

Update of the AMF Doctrine on Digital Asset Service Providers


For your project, you can contact me :

Email : a.raoul@arao-avocats.com

Telephone : +33 (0)6 84 01 59 92

Address: 17 rue Paul Lelong | 75002 Paris | France